Why High Value Men Often Ignore Women


You’ve probably been wondering why some men tend to get a lot of women’s attention while others struggle to get even a single date.

Well, it’s a secret that every man is trying to figure out, but only some so-called high-value men have found a real answer to this question.

What if I told you that this secret is perfectly easy to figure out? It simply involves the ability to know when and how to ignore women.

I’ll share them with you in this article, but stay until the end because the first secret will absolutely blow your mind.

1. They understand how women work

Of course, the first step to becoming a high-value man that knows how to ignore women is understanding their psychology and how they work.

Indeed, this can seem like an impossible task from afar, especially since most women even struggle to understand themselves. However, a closer study will reveal to you just how simple they are.

While they would like to think of themselves as sophisticated, most women actually have a particular behavioral pattern. So understanding how they work automatically puts you at an advantage.

This is because you’ll be able to easily predict and prepare for their next moves.

2. They know how to control their emotions

Another important but not so common quality you must adopt in your quest to become a high-value man is the ability to control and conceal your emotions.

This is especially necessary when you’re trying to win a girl over. You should know that showing her that you’re very interested in her is like showing your hand before the game begins.

However, concealing your feelings will keep her guessing, and this mysterious attitude often gets the attention of the ladies. Being quick to show your feelings can make you a low-value man and nothing different from other regular men.

3. They are in control of their time

Have you ever noticed how high-value men seem to always be in control of their time? Well, it’s because they’re actually in control, and they do not let unnecessary disruptions affect their plans.

They often have their life planned out, and while beta males are always willing to cancel their plans to entertain a lady, high-value men will never do that.

You definitely can imagine how tempting it can be when a girl you find attractive asks you to cancel your plans and hang out. Of course, your first instinct might be to RSVP for this invitation, but doing so only makes you look cheap, which is very wrong for a high-value man.

Why High Value Men Often Ignore Women

4. They do not seek validation from women

One significant difference between high-value men and their low-value counterparts is that they will never beg for attention. Of course, this applies to their relationships with women and their general social life, and women find this quality very attractive.

Unlike regular men who often try to impress a woman by going all out to get her attention, high-value men would rather go on with their daily lives, not minding whether the lady is impressed or not.

This competent attitude shows that they do not beg for attention or seek validation from women.

5. They have a busy life

High-value men often have ambitious and goal-driven lives, spending most of their time trying to achieve their goals. This busyness leaves them with less time for meaningless flirting that leads to empty relationships.

While this may seem obvious, the more time alpha males invest in pursuing their goals and ambitions, the less time they have to chase after women.

Women, being natural attention seekers, are drawn to such men who do not make them the center of attention, prompting them to seek attention from these high-value individuals.

6. They know how to be alone

A frequently ignored quality of high-value men is their ability to be alone. They don’t go crazy for lack of company, and they don’t feel the need to enter a relationship they’re not invested in.

On the contrary, low-quality men often struggle with loneliness, making them desperate for relationships. High-value men, knowing how to be alone, avoid settling for less.

Women often find this quality attractive, as it shows that these men won’t rush into a relationship out of fear of being alone. Have you ever rushed into a relationship due to loneliness? Share your experience in the comments below.

7. They don’t stick around for meaningless arguments

High-value men refrain from indulging in pointless arguments, not just for time management but also for their self-esteem. Exaggerating minor issues into meaningless arguments is a behavior some women exhibit, and high-value men know not to tolerate such behavior.

Sticking around for these arguments can lead to increased disrespect, but ignoring them is a wake-up call that communicates a lack of tolerance for random outbursts.

8. They don’t engage in mind games

Another quality of high-value men is their honesty and straightforwardness. Unlike low-value men who resort to mind games to mask their intentions, high-value men understand that honesty is more attractive.

Women often take honest men more seriously, viewing those who play mind games as lacking in self-esteem.

9. They have a type

High-value men often ignore women because they have a specific type and do not compromise their standards. Unlike beta males who pursue any woman that comes around, alpha males are discerning and only go after the best quality women.

This selectiveness, even when other women express interest, makes high-value men stand out and attracts attention from women.

10. They do not give free attention

One of the top reasons why high-value men ignore many women is that they don’t give free attention. While women are used to receiving attention, especially if they’re attractive, high-value men, understanding how women work, do not join the crowd of attention givers.

They may introduce themselves to create a spark, but they do not give free attention beyond that initial interaction. This quality makes them stand out and captures the attention of classy women who appreciate their high value.

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