What Does an Unhealthy Relationship Look Like


5 Signs that Indicate an Unhealthy Relationship

Identifying the signs of an unhealthy relationship can help improve many aspects of your life. So, let’s get to it!

Sometimes, we are not aware of the damage we can cause to the person we love. Other times, we also do not realize when this damage is being done to us. However, knowing whether or not you live in an unhealthy relationship is crucial because your happiness largely depends on it. We help you detect certain signs!

Detecting this type of relationship is not easy. Sometimes, we are so immersed in the rhythm of everyday life that it is tough to analyze what type of couple we want to be and which one we have next to us. Therefore, we present 5 signs that tell you if you are in an unhealthy relationship.

Related: Is It Worth Fixing a Broken Relationship? Steps to Follow to Get Your Ex-Partner Back

1. High Intensity and Emotional Instability

When you start dating another person, everything is usually experienced with great intensity. Emotions are on the surface. All experiences are lived as if they were the last or the first of our lives, and feelings are greater than ever. For everything, there is hurry, desire, and motivation.

In a healthy relationship, the honeymoon stage usually loses intensity. The pieces of the puzzle are placed, and the clouds in which we found ourselves are no longer made of cotton but of cement. And so, little by little, the foundations of the couple’s relationship are laid.

However, that intensity increase in an unhealthy relationship, far from ending. It is increasing to the point of suffocating and overwhelming the other. You may be in this type of courtship if you are overwhelmed in your relationship.

What Does an Unhealthy Relationship Look Like

2. Isolation in an Unhealthy Relationship

Relationships usually begin with a great desire to spend time together. As soon as you have a free space, you want to plan for your new dream without reflecting on the amount of time you dedicate to it.

The danger appears when that partner only wants you to be with them; This is how you start to distance yourself from the people you love most and who are in your closest circle. Little by little, create a false circle of security around you that, little by little, will distance you from your circle of support and from reality itself.

Everything we talk about here usually happens gradually so that you will notice these changes less; Otherwise, you would most likely rebel against them. Therein lies the difficulty in detecting it. The key is to detect if that new partner is questioning everyone in your previous life.

However, love is the complete opposite. It includes independence, trust, and freedom of choice. It is knowing that your partner is part of your life, but also your co-workers, your hobbies, and your family. And you don’t have to give up anything for her.

3. Either Together or Nothing

Despite our desire to be with our partner, the reality is that the hours during the week that we can normally spend together are few. Work, responsibilities, leisure time… Sometimes, more time is spent at a distance than sharing space.

If you spend time apart, have anxiety, are in a bad mood, can’t focus on your task, begin to distrust each other, or get angry about anything. Caution! This may indicate that you are having an unhealthy relationship. Therefore, it is necessary that you work on that dependency.

Being well both when you are together and apart is so important. This involves learning to miss healthily. That is, knowing that you would love to be together at that moment but that it is impossible because of obligations. Thus, the desire and excitement of seeing each other come together, plus the tolerance for frustration and the acceptance or resignation of each one. Without a doubt, it was quite a learning experience.

4. Jealousy

“ If he’s jealous, it means he loves me” Error. Jealousy is part of the range of normal emotions; the problem begins when it gains intensity and exceeds the person’s capacity for self-control. Thus, recurrent and maladaptive behaviors that make the other person feel bad are never evidence of a healthy relationship. Quite the opposite.

Confidence is the key to being able to face this obstacle. Trust must be such that neither of you needs to know where the other is or what they are doing.

Jealousy not only undermines the relationship but also does so in a particular way with each member. They bring thoughts of possession, accusations, rejection, threats, anger, and despair.

5. Contempt, the Sharp Dagger in an Unhealthy Relationship

Mockery, insults, ignorance, offenses… Contempt towards a person can be shown in many ways, but they all have something in common: they are a lack of respect indicative of an unhealthy relationship. Your partner has to support you, hold you up, not break you down and minimize your feelings.

In conclusion, the more signs we have mentioned that you feel your relationship has, the more insecure and unhealthy it may be. It may be a good time to reflect, and if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to consult a specialist, as they can be of great help. Furthermore, understanding healthy and unhealthy love can help you understand parallel phenomena that can occur in other types of relationships.

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