10 Ways To Make Any Woman Miss You So Badly

10 Ways To Make Any Woman Miss You So Badly

If science holds any truth, then absence is the key to making love grow. However, society teaches a man the opposite. It tells them to be available for women every waking minute of their life, yet teaches a woman to keep her man on his toes.

Well, let us set the record straight. This is a proven recipe for relationship disaster. From giving space to keeping your standards intact, you’ll need to make sure that you, as a special lady, have the chance to be missed.

Otherwise, everything you bring to the table goes in vain. So, here are 10 ways to make a woman miss you badly.

1. Show off Your Life

Are you a guy with more going on than a sitcom marathon and leftover pizza boxes in your living room? Then you need to show it.

In this modern age of scrolling and double-tapping, your social media game matters more than you think. When she starts wondering about you, the first place she’ll snoop around is your social media – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, you name it.

So, imagine her surprise when she’s doing a little stalking and finds nothing. Did you vanish into thin air? That’s a mystery game on point. However, that’s not ideal when you want someone to miss you.

You must show off a bit of your engaging life. Post stuff that makes her go, “What has he been up to?” The impact of this is much greater than you think.

By using modern tools, you’re making her feel, “Damn, I’m lucky to have this guy in my life,” and she’ll miss you more whenever she sees you living without her.

10 Ways To Make Any Woman Miss You So Badly

2. No Contact Period

If you’re a hyperactive puppy chasing after every car, you’re not allowing her to miss you. Dial back the chase. You don’t need to text her a good morning every waking moment.

You need to sprinkle a bit of going M.I.A. in your routine. You must make her wonder; that’s the key to making her miss you. Your lack of text should toss fuel on her imagination’s fire.

By not buzzing her phone off the table, you’re sending a signal – “I have a life that doesn’t revolve around the emoji keyboard.” The trick here is that you show her that she’s a bonus in your life.

You don’t need a rescue mission to survive. It’s all a game of the holy trinity of science: motivation, reward, and addiction. You avoid reaching out, and she’ll become desperate to reach you.

When she does, your reply back is the reward. It works like a charm every time.

3. Avoid the Attention Bait

Now that you’ve mastered the art of going M.I.A., the next step is to resist the temptation to nibble at the attention bait she’s tossing out.

Not a ping, comment from you, or like – yep, that’s how it goes. When you divert your attention from her, she’ll come in with all the traps – a killer selfie or a sly status.

With this, she’s hoping for some digital fireworks to go off. But no, you’re not a mouse getting trapped in her bait. Resist that urge to like or comment on her picture.

And the thing is, this isn’t about her wanting a thumbs up from you; it’s about her wanting to crack through your nonchalant coolness.

Yes, if you hold firm, she’ll notice likes flowing from everywhere except your keyboard. And that’s when, friends, her curiosity will hit red alert levels.

Keep your cool, resist the lure, and watch the magic happen

4. Keep the Mystery Intact

Okay, now you have resisted her bait and have not reached out. What happens next? If you hold strong, you’ll see her name pop up on your screen.

Cue the victory dance. We get it; she reached out, and it’s like a high five from the universe. But hold those fingers. You need to breathe and get your mind back on Earth.

You don’t want to overdo the enthusiasm. You want her to think that you’ve been waiting for her to reach out all this time. You don’t want her to know that even if you have.

And let’s be honest, nobody wants to be the sole source of someone’s serotonin hit. Instead, channel your inner John Wick; keep your responses short.

A simple “Hey, what’s up?” gotta do the trick. The name of the game is intrigue here. You’re not giving her a cold shoulder; you’re just not revealing all your cards at once. A perfect formula to make her miss you.

5. Strategic Jealousy

Here’s the deal. Stir the jealousy cauldron to make her miss you. And no, you don’t need to pull out the dramatics here. The gameplay is simple.

Post a snap with your pals; mysteriously, a woman is hanging out with you too. Coincidence? We don’t think so. You know she will spot that mystery woman, and guess what? Her internal detective agency will go into overdrive.

Who is she? What’s her story? You’re practically setting up a private eye movie in her mind. However, you need to remember your end goal.

All of this is to show her that your world is in a one-act play starring her. By hinting at other options, you put this thought in her mind – “Okay, he has options; I need to step up my game.”

So, you hit two birds with one stone. You’re successful in making her miss you and have her invested more than before. A win-win.

6. Give her a Nickname

Giving her that unique nickname is a foolproof way to make her think about you. Think about it. When she knows that a particular name is associated with you, every time she hears that special turn, she’s going to think about you.

But you must insert some finesse and a dash of inside joke magic into crafting the name. The trick here is to pick a nickname that’s not as rare as finding a unicorn on a subway but not as common as a slice of pizza in New York.

Let’s break it down further. You’re not generating a random word; you’re crafting something meaningful. So, pick something that makes her tick, something she can associate with precious memories.

It could be a TV show obsession or a colour she swears by as the answer to all her problems. Here’s where psychology gives us a high five – associative memory.

When she hears her nickname, it’s not just a word; it’s a doorway to memories. And the next thing you know, she’s walking around hearing your voice in her head, all because of a single carefully chosen nickname.

7. Teach her Things

The truth is, women, dig a man with that mentor vibe going on. You know, the kind of guy who could teach a master class in leadership without even breaking a sweat.

Yep, that’s when you can unveil a whole new subject to her. You’ll become the tour guide to the things she never knew about. Why does this work?

Because that mentorship thing is more than just a skill; it’s a reflection of your character. It reflects your ability to make people around you grow and flourish.

And when women see that in a man, she knows it’s rare. Plus, the next time she hears about whatever mysteries of astrophysics or mixed grilled cheese, she’ll think about you.

8. Give Space

The ultimate power move in a relationship is to give your partner the space to do their own thing. When you cheer on your partner from afar for her achievements, you’re allowing her to shine.

That’s fantastic because this is more than just personal fulfilment; you’re giving her the power to charge her emotional batteries. And that’s amazing for you because she’ll be coming back to the relationship brimming with enthusiasm.

And guess who reaps the benefits? Yep, by allowing her room to chase her dreams, you’re creating a dynamic where absence isn’t just making the heart grow fonder; it’s also a chance for reflection. She’s got space to miss you. What else could one want more?

9. Stop Being a Detective

It’s easy for women to get caught up in the game of “why did he do that,” but it’s not impossible for men either. However, you’re not here to play detective but to lead the game.

You will not get a gold medal for figuring out her every move. She can waltz, she can moonlight, and that’s completely fine. If she has hit the pause button on communication, grasp your sanity.

You’re not Sherlock Holmes. Remember the first commandment of dealing with women: you need to take the wheel and drive your own storyline.

Reacting? Nope. Acting? Heck yes. Hold your ground, and when she responds, be calm about it. It’s not your responsibility to solve all her issues and handle all her mood swings because if you build that habit, there will come a point where she will lose respect for you, all because you are there for her at every beck and call.

10. Conditional Investment

Putting your woman on a pedestal is literally setting yourself up for the great fall. If putting her on a pedestal was the guaranteed appreciation magnet, everyone would be sipping margaritas on Relationship Island.

Doing this throws your respect card out the window of a moving car. And you know what they say: desire follows suit when respect goes on vacation.

It’s logical. If you’re investing more love and attention in the relationship, and she’s feeding off it, how will she ever understand your value? She won’t even break a sweat to keep you satisfied.

But as a true high-value man, you can always turn the tides and set up no-compromise standards, then she’s got two options only: to level up or hit the road. And you will know your answer because attraction, men, is served with a side dish of self-confidence.


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