8 Infallible Tricks to Rekindle Your Partner’s Love


Sentimental crises are common situations in a relationship. We go through cycles where we must assume that nothing will be the same again.

There is no turning back in many situations, but in others, there is hope: fixing a couple’s problems is possible. Apply these 8 tricks, and you will see how the spark of love is rekindled.

A Grieving Process

When a breakup appears or the couple distances themselves, the feelings are similar to the grieving process. We feel emptiness, loss, and a negative view of the future. Sadness, apathy, and alterations in sleep and appetite appear.

This stage can create emotional alterations in the person, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. However, it is not always definitive since we can recover love and win back our partner.

Relive love

To revive love, you must take into account  8 essential points:

1. Time

Both sides need time and space to reframe the situation. Certain negative emotions must be accepted and digested. Once this space is achieved, we can begin the reconquest. A period of no contact and no communication smooths things out.

2. Show interest

Don’t expect the other person to be the first to contact you. There is a common feeling of waiting for the other person to take the first step as a sign of interest. With this, we don’t always get it right. There are many variables at play. In any case, it is a good act that you are the one who takes the first step.

3. Ask the other

Once we have let time pass, we must know if the other is interested in recovering the relationship.

4. Analyze each error

Start with yourself, with everything you didn’t do well. Otherwise, we will not assume responsibility and end up blaming the other.

5. Improve your attitude

8 Infallible Tricks to Rekindle Your Partners Love

Although the situation is painful,  victimhood and flooding others with negative feelings bring bad results. The attitude must be open and based on cooperation and mutual learning.

6. Go back to the past

Building on what we had at the beginning of the relationship will help us. Connect with those elements present when the other was attracted to you. This return to the past revives love and awakens positive emotions in the couple.

7. Be honest

When analyzing your mistakes, you must also communicate them to the other person. This way, you will be more aware of what made everything go wrong. You also demonstrate empathy, understanding, and a willingness to solve and correct everything that did not work.

8. Consistency

She persists in solving problems and maintaining contact. She shows that you really want to relive the good things. To do this, maintain consistency and try to increase learning and the capacity for self-criticism.

Sometimes, couples reach irreparable points. Infidelities, toxicity, or incompatibility influence coexistence. Accepting it and letting the other go is the best solution. Love is worth it, but not in all cases.

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