How Can You Not Feel Sad When You Live far From your Family?


No matter how old you are or where you live, if you are far from home it is normal that from time to time you feel a little sad because you miss the ones you love most: your family. There is nothing that doesn’t make you remember them: a song, a food, a place or the photos you accidentally see on your cell phone. Being away is not easy!

There are many reasons that make you distance yourself from your loved ones: studies abroad, search for better opportunities or a job in another city. And although it is normal to feel sad from time to time, it is an emotional state that you should avoid above all else. these are some reasons why you need a plan B.

Here are some tips that will help you not feel sad when you are away from home, take note!

Internalize your reasons for being away

Once you have taken that big step by completely abandoning your comfort zone, it is important that you are clear about the reasons that made you leave: Do you want to grow professionally? Has a great opportunity arrived at your door? Are there no sources of employment in your country? Do you want to help your family financially?

Constantly remembering your goals will help you stay focused, feel motivated, and close the door on sadness. However, if you are that type of person who gets carried away by memories, a good way to maintain focus is to have a notebook with your reasons and objectives written down. This way, when you feel sad, all you have to do is open it to regain perspective.

How Can You Not Feel Sad When You Live far From your Family

Keep your mind busy

They say that “a busy mind doesn’t miss anyone”,and there is nothing more certain than this. Obviously, if your reason for leaving home was not fun, you will surely be busy most of the time. However, on your days off, if you stay home all day, your mind will start to fly and, BOOM!, a few tears may start to flow.

There is nothing wrong with feeling homesick, the problem is when you start to think too much and focus, perhaps, on the negative part of not being with your family. To avoid this, plan things for yourself during the week: go to the beach, go for a bike ride, attend a yoga class, or do anything that sounds fun to you.

You will see that at the end of the day your memories will be so pleasant that you will want to talk to your family just to tell them what a great time you had. This is not only good for you, but also for your family, Because knowing you well makes them truly happy. 

Make new friends

No matter where you are, having friends is one of the best remedies to not feel sad in this new life that you decided to start. Making new friends is like building a new family, a solid base of mutual support, unity and having that warmth of home even when you are far from your loved ones.

Don’t isolate yourself or die. Remember that suffering is optional. If they ask you out, go! If they invite you to eat, go! If they invite you to run, go! Say yes to everything and you will see how little by little you will begin to create solid bonds with some people, who after all, will be with you in both good and bad times.

Maintain communication with your family

Talk to your family every day. It doesn’t matter if you are not available at the same time, be sure to always leave a message, send a photo or a voice note. They will do the same as soon as they receive something from you.

Also make sure to set a day a week to make a video call and tell them in detail everything you did during the last few days. This way you can feel them closer even if they are far away. Keep in mind that communication is vital to staying motivated, happy and grounded. Plus you’re not the only one who misses, your family misses you too. Let them know that everything is going positively!

Definitely, distance can be a huge challenge for many. However, they are stages of life that must be lived. The secret is to stay focused.

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