3 Pillars to Kickstart Your Self-Love Journey | How to Love Yourself in just 3 Steps


Embarking on a journey of self-love begins with something essential: being brutally honest with ourselves. Genuine self-love is difficult to achieve if we’re not truthful about who we are and what we feel.

Now, picture your path to self-love condensed into just three fundamental aspects. These elements become the cornerstone for kickstarting your self-love journey, especially if you’ve been feeling a lack of motivation, struggling with procrastination, or battling low self-esteem. If you’re eager to shake off that negative feeling, these three elements are all you need to focus on to jumpstart your journey towards self-love.

This insight is inspired by Yang Playo’s book “Lighter.” In the early chapters of his book, he explores the concept of self-love and outlines three key pillars essential to begin this transformative journey. Let’s delve into these pillars and unravel the initial chapter of this exciting expedition towards self-love.

1. Radical Honesty

Imagine building a relationship with a partner without honesty – it simply wouldn’t work. Similarly, to foster a genuine love for ourselves, we must first be truthful to ourselves. This honesty means acknowledging our emotions, accepting our flaws, and understanding our needs.

There have been times in my own life when I masked my true feelings, projecting a facade of happiness even when I was not content. However, this only perpetuated a sense of dissatisfaction. It was a wake-up call to realize that to truly love ourselves and grow. We must be honest and stop pretending.

2. Positive Habit Building

Once we’ve embraced radical honesty, we can move on to the next step: positive habit building. This step is about establishing routines that cultivate happiness and help us become the best versions of ourselves. It is intertwined with discipline – committing to actions that resonate with our well-being.

Whether it’s morning meditations, regular exercise, or journaling, incorporating positive habits into our daily lives forms the foundation of self-love. As I reflect on my own journey, I’ve found that these habits make me happier, boost productivity, and reinforce promises I make to myself.

How to Love Yourself in just 3 Steps

3. Unconditional Self-Acceptance

The final pillar is unconditional self-acceptance. This step involves being kind and compassionate toward ourselves, irrespective of our imperfections. It’s acknowledging that we’re human, and like everyone else, we have our struggles. Yet, we deserve love, respect, and care.

This acceptance allows us to take breaks, rest, and recuperate when needed without guilt. It’s a practice of treating ourselves with the same warmth and understanding we would extend to a dear friend.


In summary, your self-love journey is underpinned by these three essential categories: radical honesty, positive habit building, and unconditional self-acceptance. Regularly reflect on how you’ve been honest with yourself, the positive habits you’ve cultivated, and the kindness you’ve shown to yourself. By nurturing these aspects, you will find yourself on a fulfilling path toward self-love and personal growth.

I’m excited to delve further into Yang Playo’s book “Lighter” and share more insights with you in future discussions. If you found these tips helpful, please show your support by liking this post. Let’s continue this enriching conversation on self-love and growth. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time!

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