How to Choose the Best Shower Gel for Each Skin Type?


We have all found ourselves in the situation of needing to know which shower gel to choose from the wide variety of existing products. Choosing the most suitable one is not easy: there are many opinions, and, after all, each skin is different and needs different care.

The most important thing is to determine what type of skin you have to choose which gel best suits its characteristics.

This is essential for both men and women to achieve adequate hygiene that keeps your skin healthy and hydrated.

Personalizing for Your Unique Skin Type

Not all skins are the same. But whatever yours is, your gel will affect your dermatological health.

If your skin is oily and prone to acne, it is important that you do not use gels with oily or overly moisturizing ingredients. To avoid clogging pores, you should choose products with oil-free and non-comedogenic formulas, especially for the face.

On the contrary, if your skin is dry and prone to peeling, you should keep in mind that its needs vary throughout the year, depending on the season and the frequency of baths. Thus, the colder months and recurring showers can dry you out, meaning you should use a more hydrating gel in these months.

In addition, it is important to know that the skin becomes drier as we move away from the facial area since it has fewer sebaceous glands. Thus, the legs have fewer glands compared to the face, so they tend to suffer more dryness.

It is a phenomenon that tends to become more pronounced with age, and chances are that your skin will need more hydrating formulas as the years go by.

What Gel to Use?

How to Choose the Best Shower Gel for Each Skin Type

Generally, it is advisable to use quality products that do not contain excessive soap since they can be more aggressive to the skin and eliminate the hydrolipid layer that covers it.

At the same time, even if your skin is not excessively sensitive or dry, you should ensure that you are cleaning it properly and that when washing it, you do not remove its natural oils, which can cause irritation, itching, or dryness.

For sensitive skin, gels with fewer perfumes and less soap are more suitable, as these ingredients can often cause irritation and allergic reactions.

People with atopic skin often suffer from peeling, irritation, eczema, and unpleasant symptoms such as itching. This is due to dryness, which is why they need specific treatment. Although it is known that the main cause of this problem is genetic, environmental and dietary factors also play a role.

It is best to use dermatological gels that contain toning, moisturizing, and protective active ingredients to improve this condition. They usually contain nutritious ingredients such as aloe vera, oats, or coconut. These gels improve the skin’s condition by creating a protective film on the surface, thus preventing moisture loss and natural oils.

The Most Suitable Gels for the Whole Family

The skin of babies and children is delicate, and we must avoid exposing it unnecessarily to chemical agents and irritants since there are many cases of allergies and the appearance of dermatitis or cradle cap.

For this reason, it is recommended for children and adults to use 0% gels that do not contain chemicals such as parabens, dyes, allergens, phenoxyethanol, or organochlorines. In this way, it helps maintain the skin’s natural balance while remaining hydrated.

Likewise, it is important that the gel contains emollient agents. Unlike moisturizers, which provide hydration through water, these also provide nutrition, elasticity, and softness. Emollient agents work by calming the symptoms of itching and discomfort in altered or extremely dry skin.

Gels for Sports and Sweat

The heat of summer and sports practice cause sweat and your skin to be more exposed to perspiration. You should keep in mind that if you do not practice adequate hygiene, acne or annoying sweat pimples are likely to appear, especially on your back and face.

If you exercise in the gym, we recommend using some antibacterial gel since gyms are sources of bacteria. It is likely that after use, you will need to apply a moisturizing product since these gels can dry out the skin more.

Finally, remember that, after showering, it is important to change your clothes and replace them with clean ones. Additionally, the towels you use to dry yourself need to have also been recently washed. Otherwise, they can accumulate fungus or bacteria.

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