How to Become Attractive Instantly

How to Become Attractive Instantly

Do you want to let a special someone know that you’re interested? If you’re worried about rejection, you’re not alone. According to a report from eHarmony, nearly 60% note the fear of rejection as a source of insecurity.

Do you want to reduce your chances of rejection by having a sense of humor, listening attentively, and using a recently discovered technique we’ll discuss later? You can dramatically improve your attractiveness.

1. Show Interest

What is the person you like interested in? Whether it’s sports, philosophy, or business, you can be sure they want to talk about it. Let them talk.

We all know that conversation builds connection, but did you know that we have data to back up this intuition? According to the University of Rochester, just knowing that somebody is interested in you makes them more attractive in your eyes.

The data shows that attractiveness is directly related to how much interest you show in the other person. So, if you want to improve your attractiveness instantly, learn to listen.

2. Have a Sense of Humor

We have a task for you that will demonstrate the power of humor. Think back on how you made your friends laugh or ask your parents how they met.

We guarantee they’ll mention how their partner or friend made them laugh. But you don’t have to take our word for it. The power of humor in forming relationships is confirmed by research.

For example, research published in Scientific American correlates humor with emotional intelligence and creativity—both of these traits are extremely attractive. So, if you want to try and win your crush’s heart, ask your dad for some jokes.

How to Become Attractive Instantly

3. Mimic Their Body Language

We all know body language is important, but just how important is it? According to Allen and Barbara Pease, experts in body language, between 35% and 65% of communication is done non-verbally.

You must work on your body language to get in your crush’s good books. The best way to do this is to mimic their body language—researchers call this process mirroring.

It’s a fantastic way to make your partner more comfortable around you and improve your attractiveness.

4. Hang Out With Friends

Your friends are one of your best assets when looking for a partner. We don’t mean enlisting your friends as wingmen. Research has shown that you appear more attractive when you surround yourself with other people.

An Australian study published in the journal Nature found the following: individuals were asked to rate the attractiveness of people in photos.

The results are incredible—individuals in group photos were viewed as more attractive than those same people by themselves. Researchers believe this is due to the cheerleader effect.

By staying in a group, you’re compared to the people around you, not to the idealized standard in someone’s head. So, start taking some group photos and see what happens.

5. Small Acts of Kindness

Have you heard of the halo effect? Developed by psychologist Edward L. Thorndike, this theory states that a positive impression in one area will make people more likely to trust you in other areas.

What happens if you apply this to relationships? According to a study by Chinese researchers, you demonstrate a positive personality by performing small acts of kindness.

More importantly, the study shows that a positive personality is more attractive. If you want to appear attractive to a possible partner, go out of your way to perform small acts of kindness for them.

Doing so will produce this halo effect, making them more likely to consider you as a romantic partner.

6. Use Expressive Language

Do you read a lot? If not, then maybe you should crack open a book of poetry because expressive language is one of the least known ways to improve your attractiveness.

A study from the University of Electronic Science and Technology in China compared women’s reactions to different compliments.

The results are surprising—the study found that more lush metaphors scored more highly on perceived attractiveness metrics. An example of such a compliment was, “Your eyes are a gorgeous rainbow,” which was much more effective than the similar, “Your eyes are pretty.”

Many are completely unaware of this simple trick. If you want to boost your attractiveness instantly, start using metaphors in your compliments.

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