6 Common Behaviors That Ruin Relationships

Have you noticed common behavior’s that might be impacting your relationship negatively? Has your relationship felt strained lately, marked by longer arguments and a fading spark? Relationships are complex, even for the strongest couples.

While a relationship can falter in numerous ways, did you know that certain common behavior’s might be hastening its demise? From issuing ultimatums and lacking commitment to dealing with anger and an often-overlooked behaviour we will explore shortly, you might unknowingly be damaging your partnership with these actions.


If you want to erode your partner’s trust, resorting to ultimatums rapidly is a surefire way. Ultimatums involve threatening negative consequences unless your partner complies with your wishes.

Research on the impact of ultimatums in non-romantic relationships is compelling. According to a study from PsyRep, individuals frequently ignore or override ultimatums, attributing these results to assumed norms of reciprocity and fairness.

If this holds in non-romantic contexts, imagine the heightened stakes in romantic relationships. To safeguard your relationship, consider refraining from issuing ultimatums.

Reacting in Anger

In any relationship, receiving criticism from your partner is inevitable. However, how you react to this criticism speaks volumes about your relationship’s health.

Reacting with anger to any form of criticism can be detrimental. A study in the Journal of Emotion reveals shocking results: individuals struggling to control their anger inadvertently escalate their partner’s anger, creating a destructive feedback loop that can rapidly dismantle a relationship.

Managing your reactions to criticism is crucial for relationship survival.

Getting Too Comfortable

While getting comfortable in a relationship may seem desirable, research suggests otherwise. Getting too comfortable is linked to various negative outcomes, with infidelity being one of the most emotionally devastating.

According to research by Normal Bar, 71% of men and 49% of women admitted to cheating because they were bored in the relationship.

To ensure the longevity of your relationship, it is essential to avoid becoming complacent and, instead, grow with your partner to maintain strength and connection

Avoiding Confrontation in Relationships

Have you ever heard the phrase “walking on eggshells”? This is one of the worst phrases to encounter when discussing any relationship.

If you or your partner feel the need to avoid confrontation to sustain the relationship, it is a sign that your relationship is unhealthy.

Avoiding confrontation indicates a lack of comfort in openly communicating with your partner. Research from Your Tango reveals that 65% of divorcees reported a lack of communication as a key reason for their relationship ending.

You are not engaging in open communication if you cannot confront your partner about issues harming your relationship. If this persists, your relationship is likely to continue.

Lack of Commitment

Do you remember how your relationship started? How often did you hold hands, kiss, or exchange small gifts? These actions signify a commitment to your relationship.

Research shows that without affection, relationships unravel. For instance, research on couples’ reasons for divorcing is surprising—seventy per cent cited a lack of commitment as a reason for divorce.

The message is clear: Investing fully in your relationship will only last.

Overstepping Boundaries

Healthy relationships are built on boundaries. Couples that establish healthy boundaries report higher self-esteem, less burnout, and greater self-knowledge.

However, your relationship may start breaking down if your partner frequently crosses your boundaries. Common boundary violations include touching without permission, breaking commitments, and offering unwanted advice.

If you or your partner engage in these behavior’s, your relationship may struggle to survive. To address this issue, communicate openly with your partner and work to re-establish healthy boundaries.

Consider moving on if your partner is unwilling to engage in such a conversation.

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