12 Signs a Woman Likes You But Is Trying Not to Show It


Are you tired of guessing whether a woman likes you or not? Do you find it difficult to figure out if she’s really into you or just trying to be friendly? Well, for many men, reading women’s minds can be a challenge, especially when they’re trying to hide their true feelings.

According to behavioral science, even if a woman is good at concealing her attraction, there will still be various signs that can reveal her true feelings. So, by the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of whether she really likes you or not, and you will develop the ability to decode any woman’s behavior. 

1. She smiles When She Sees You

A woman’s smile is often said to be one of her most powerful weapons. If you notice that she smiles whenever she sees you, it could be a sign that she likes you but is trying not to show it.

This is often the case when someone is attracted to someone they consider to be out of their league. By smiling, they are trying to appear friendly and approachable in the hope that the other person will make the first move.

Of course, there could also be other reasons why a woman might smile when she sees you; she might just be happy to see you or enjoy your company.

In any case, it’s definitely worth taking note of how often she smiles in your presence. If it’s frequent, there’s a good chance she likes you.

2. Running Fingers Through her Hair

This is a common body language cue that women use to show interest in someone, but they may not want to be too obvious about it.

If you see a woman constantly playing with her hair while she’s talking to you, it’s a good sign that she’s interested in you. Another sign that a woman likes you is if she mirrors your body language.

For example, if you are leaning in, she will also lean in. If you cross your arms, she’ll cross her arms. This is a subconscious way of showing that she’s in sync with you and is interested in what you have to say.

You can also pay attention to her tone of voice. When someone is attracted to someone else, their voice often becomes softer and more melodic, as if they are trying to entice the other person. So if you find that she’s speaking in a softer tone when talking to you, it could be a sign of interest.

3. Exposing Her Neck

This one might sound a bit strange, but exposing her neck is actually a sign that a woman is interested in you. When women expose their necks to someone they like, they are subconsciously sending out signals of attraction.

This may be done by tilting the head, wearing open-necked clothing, or letting down the hair. This body language is often a way for women to express their vulnerability and can be seen as an invitation for the other person to get close. This has proven to be an effective way for women to show interest without being too obvious about it.

4. Shooting Short Glances Your Way

When a woman is trying to be discreet about her feelings for you, she might shoot you little glances every now and then. These quick looks test the waters to see how you react when she looks at you.

For many women, maintaining eye contact can be quite daunting, especially when they are attracted to someone. This is why they might pull away and look away quickly.

So if you catch her shooting you little glances every now and then, especially when you catch her looking and she quickly looks away, there’s a good chance that she likes you but is trying not to show it.

12 Signs a Woman Likes You But Is Trying Not to Show It

5. Licking her Lips

According to body language experts, one of the signs that indicate a woman likes you but is trying not to show it is when she’s licking her lips.

This subconscious gesture is often used as a way to moisten the lips or signal interest, both of which could be the case when she’s around you. So if you notice her licking her lips more than usual, it might be because she’s attracted to you.

6. She’s clearly nervous around you

How can you tell if she’s nervous around you? Well, it’s usually pretty easy to tell. Nervousness can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from profuse sweating to stuttering and fidgeting.

For example, if you see her hands trembling when she’s talking to you or her voice getting shaky, it could be because she likes you but is trying not to show it.

If that’s the case, then chances are she’ll feel a bit more relaxed as time goes on and her feelings become more obvious. Some women will even get more defensive just to make sure they don’t give away their emotions.

So if you find that she’s being more critical or snarky than usual when talking to you, it could be a sign that she doesn’t want to show how she feels.

7. Inviting body language.

There are two types of body language when it comes to flirting: inviting and defensive. Inviting body language includes gestures like leaning in, uncrossing her arms, or pointing her feet towards you.

For example, if she’s leaning in when talking to you or has her arms open, it could be because she’s interested in what you have to say.

By engaging in inviting body language, she’s unconsciously trying to show that she likes you and is open to getting closer. On the other hand, if her arms are crossed or she’s pointing her feet away from you, it could be a sign that she’s not interested and is trying to keep her distance.

8. She remembers the smallest details.

This is a big one. Have you ever noticed that she remembers the smallest details about you? If so, it means that she’s paying more attention to you than necessary and is likely interested in getting to know you better.

Women tend to pay a lot of attention to detail when they are attracted to someone. For example, if she remembers something you mentioned weeks ago or pays attention to your preferences, it could be because she’s trying to find ways to connect with you.

Things like remembering your favorite food, type of music, or the kind of jokes you like are all signs that she’s interested in getting to know the real you.

9. She chooses to sit near you.

This one should be obvious, but unfortunately, it’s often overlooked. If you notice that she always chooses to sit near you, whether it be at work, school, or social events, it could be because she wants to be close to you.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that she likes you, but if this kind of behavior continues on a regular basis, then there’s a good chance that she’s interested in you. Sitting near you is a subtle way to show her interest in you without having to make it too obvious.

10. She gives you lots of indirect compliments.

What does it mean to give someone an indirect compliment? Basically, it’s when someone compliments you without actually saying that they like you.

For example, if she tells you that she admires your work ethic or says something nice about your style of dress, these are all signs that she’s trying to give you a compliment without having to show her true feelings.

Indirect compliments can sometimes be tricky to spot, but if you pay close attention, they can reveal a great deal about how she feels.

11. She tries to get your attention.

Let’s say you are at work, school, or some kind of social gathering, and you notice that she’s consistently trying to get your attention. This could be anything from making herself funny or cracking jokes to telling stories about something she just did.

By making an effort to get your attention, she’s subconsciously trying to show you that she likes you without having to come out and say it.

She might start talking about something that she knows you’re interested in or make sure that your conversations last longer than necessary. These are all signs that she’s trying to get close to you and show her feelings without having to explicitly say it.

12. She makes an effort to look good for you

For most women, looking good is an important part of their everyday routine. However, if you notice that she’s making an extra effort to look good for you, it could be because she’s trying to show her feelings without having to come out and say them.

For example, she might start wearing more makeup or nicer clothes when you’re around. She might even try to style her hair differently just to catch your eye.

By making an extra effort to look good, she’s trying to show that she cares about how you see her and is interested in getting closer. This is especially true if you notice that when you are not around, she doesn’t put in as much effort.

There you have it, 12 signs backed by science that indicate a woman likes you but is trying not to show it. Now that you know the signs, pay attention to how she behaves around you and take note of her body language for further clues about how she feels.

If you see that she’s sending you many of these signals, don’t be afraid to take the plunge and go for it. The worst that can happen is that she says no, but at least you’ll know for sure how she feels.

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