10 Folk Ways to Use Onions for Many Diseases


It is famous as an excellent seasoning for various dishes and a remedy for “seven ailments.” However, we argue that onions have much more beneficial properties. We invite you to get to know them.

Most of us are well aware of the benefits of onion – one of the best natural remedies that helps get rid of many diseases. Its miraculous properties have been used since ancient times.

The composition of onions is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the human body: essential oils, vitamins C and B, manganese, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, iron, sulfur, fluorine, and others. Green onion juice is rich in folic acid, carotene, and biotin. 

1. For Vitamin Deficiency 

Vitamins of groups C, B, A, and PP in their composition are an excellent help for vitamin deficiency. They charge the body with energy and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C especially contributes to this: eating 100–200 grams of onions can satisfy the body’s daily need for vitamins.

2. Temperature 

Onions are an excellent remedy for high temperatures. It is especially effective for children. Just cut the onion into rings and dip them a little in apple cider vinegar. After this, you should attach the rings to the child’s feet and put them on top of the socks, and carefully, without digging them in, insert the half rings into the baby’s ears. This method helps to relieve fever quite quickly.

3. From Infections 

Onions are no less good as an antiseptic. A paste is prepared from it, which helps fight infection and avoid infection. Pour boiled milk onto a thick piece of white bread. Add grated onion to this mixture and knead everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied as a bandage to the affected area, leaving it for 2-3 hours to disinfect the wound. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.

4. For Bleeding

It is difficult for adults, especially children, to avoid minor abrasions and cuts. Regular onions can speed up their healing. It is enough to wrap a few pieces of onion in gauze and tie them to the affected area. This method will quickly stop the Bleeding. The wound will heal faster if the procedure is repeated several times.

10 Folk Ways to Use Onions for Many Diseases

5. For Burns 

Summer is just around the corner. One of the most common problems during this hot season is sunburn. And this is where the onion comes to the rescue! A couple of slices of it applied to an area of ​​sunburned skin for just a few minutes will help relieve Pain and speed up healing. It is advisable to complete the procedure with egg white applied to the burned skin – this reduces Pain and prevents the formation of scars.

6. Cough 

Dry or wet, a cough is not pleasant for anyone. There are many pharmaceutical syrups for its treatment. A centuries-old cough remedy is onion juice. But few people can eat it raw, undiluted, and it’s harmful for a weak stomach. The easiest way is to put a piece of vegetable in your ear. From there, drops of juice will gradually enter the bloodstream and stop the hated cough.

7. For Chills 

If you are very cold or have been attacked by painful chills – a harbinger of fever, then onions will help you deal with it quickly. To feel relief after a few hours, you need to eat 1 raw onion.

8. For Scars 

Due to the fact that onion extract reduces skin inflammation, it can make scars and surgical scars less noticeable. To do this, rub the desired area on the skin daily with a cut of fresh onion. However, this method is not suitable for everyone – onions can cause irritation for people with sensitive skin.

9. For Pain in the Head and Ears

Onion earplugs are a good solution for migraines, attacks of otitis media, or ear pain. In the case of high temperature, onion pieces should be placed in the auricle. This will reduce inflammation and Pain. It is most effective to do this before bed, leaving the onions in your ears until the morning.

10. From Bee Stings 

A wasp or bee sting is very unpleasant and painful. Onions will help alleviate pain, get rid of the poison, reduce swelling, and speed up wound healing. Applying a fresh piece to the bite site is recommended until relief occurs.

Before using onions in folk recipes, it is worth considering a number of contraindications. For example, people with stomach, duodenum, liver, kidneys, and heart diseases are not advised to consume this vegetable in large quantities. If you have any doubts about the effect of onions on your body, it is better to consult a nutritionist or your doctor. 

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